Iranian American PAC |
Political Action Committee or PAC are just as much a part of American politics and the political process today as caucuses, primaries, candidates, elections and voting themselves. PAC is the name given to a private group, no matter the size that is organized or aligns themselves with a political candidate to elect that candidate to advance the outcome of a political issue or legislation.
In the 2010 Race for the seat of Arizona’s 3rd District candidates from both parties have utilized Political Action Committees funding to help them with their campaigns. Of the $1.3 million raised by the Republican candidate Ben Quayle’s campaign only $19,500 came from PACs, that’s only 1% of the total amount according to While Democratic candidate Jon Hulburd’s campaign received contributions from PAC’s adding up to $36,000, 5% of the $777,529 his campaigned raised in total. It makes a lot of sense that Hulburd would be receive more contributions from PAC’s because he is seen as the underdog in this race. Quayle leads him in the polls in a very republican district; he will need a lot of money to compete with favorite, to get his face seen, his plan of action heard and to level the financial playing field.
Click the link to better understand which of the top industries are giving to the candidates running for Congress in 3rd District of Arizona. If you notice the PAC's Ben Quayle utilizes are the business and industrial agenda of his local community, while Hulburd has to access money from Washington based groups tofund his campaign. Which is not pariticaluar help for Hulburds campaign given recent news of him being silenct from the on Ben Quayle’s call for him to return all campaign donations and renounce endorsements from the unions that are participating in the boycott of the state of Arizona. Read me at